The Basic Auditory Tests - Version V (Item# CD101R5) is a compact disk recorded tests often used in the audiology clinic during diagnostic testing and hearing aid evaluations.  It includes:

  • Spondees for Adults & Children
  • NU-6 opposite Four Talker Noise
  • W-22 opposite Cafeteria Noise
  • PBK opposite Children's Classroom Noise
  • Paired Comparison Sentences
  • Rainbow Passage

Spondees for Adults & Children

This recording includes audio recording and printed word lists used for speech recognition testing (SRT) or speech awareness testing (SAT).  For adults, two randomizations of 36 spondaic words spoken without a carrier phrase are included.  For children, a list of 51 words in one randomization is included.  NOTE: printed word lists are included.  Instructions, normative data, or pictures are not included. For this recording only, see item# C102

NU-6 opposite Four Talker Noise

This recording includes the NU-6 Form A (List 1-4; see item# C107) recorded on the left track, and Four Talker Noise (see item# C126) recorded on the right track.  With a dual-channel audiometer, this CD may be used to obtain word recognition scores in quiet or to perform speech in noise testing by manually setting signal-to-noise ratios via adjustment of left and right channels. NOTE: Nu-6 printed word lists are included.  Instructions or normative data are not included. 

W-22 opposite Cafeteria Noise

This recording includes the W-22 Form A (List 1-4; see item# C103) recorded on the left track, and Cafeteria Noise (see item# C127) recorded on the right track.  With a dual-channel audiometer, this CD may be used to obtain word recognition scores in quiet or to perform speech in noise testing by manually setting signal-to-noise ratios via adjustment of left and right channels. NOTE: W-22 printed word lists are included.  Instructions or normative data are not included. 

PBK opposite Children's Classroom Noise

This recording includes the PBK (List 1-3; see item# C111) recorded on the left track, and Children's Classroom Noise (see item# C210) recorded on the right track.  With a dual-channel audiometer, this CD may be used to obtain word recognition scores in quiet or to perform speech in noise testing by manually setting signal-to-noise ratios via adjustment of left and right channels. NOTE: PBK printed word lists are included.  Instructions or normative data are not included. For this recording only, see item# C102

Paired Comparison Sentences

This recording consists of a series of sentences, repeated twice, for establishing most comfortable listening (MCL) and/or most uncomfortable listening (UCL) levels for amplification evaluation. NOTE: printed word lists and one-page instructions. included. Normative data are not included. For this recording only, see item# C188

Rainbow Passage

This is an auditory only recording of the Rainbow Passage used during hearing instrument evaluations to establish most comfortable listening (MCL) and/or most uncomfortable listening (UCL) levels. NOTE: Instructions or normative data are not included. For this recording only, see item# C214